Thursday, October 30, 2008

Remember me?

As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot...anything you remember! Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty cool (and funny) to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you!And yes I will be checking this about every 5 minutes to see if there are any comments.


Helen said...

I remember having "camp outs" in your trailer in your driveway. Especially the night we invited the boys and got in big trouble! Oops. Why did we like those dumb boys so much?

heather said...

I remember you sitting next to me at the church for Marcy's funeral. You gave me a tissue and held my hand the whole time.

Brittney said...

Man, it's hard for me to have memories that you're not in!!! Walking each other home to the halfway point between our houses, you making me play more or harder than my prissy self wanted to, camping up Thistle, and you always being there for me no matter how many stupid fights we have. Love you!

The Scott and Camille Neilson Family said...

The first thing that popped into my head was the same memory Helen had! I also remember riding our bikes to each other's house, Johnies, 7-11, and many other places around town. I remember lots of typical Jr. High drama. I remember you being the fun, outgoing, crazy, girl the rest of us tried to keep up with! Oh ya, and I remember sitting in your little blue (i think) car listenting to music and dreaming about turning 16 so we could finally drive! Good memories!

Robyn said...

Clearly the instructions to copy this and post on your blogs have been ignored. So I have to tell Camille the funniest things I remember.
1. Singing duets (childs prayer) you were a much better singer than I was, but you would always sing with me.
2. The phrase "Im thrilled beyond the capacity of miraclewhip."
3. When your mom was driving down the same road we were sluffing on, in her car. You nearly killed us trying to hide. ha ha ha I still tell that story.
Thanks for the fun memories.

I will always remember the fun we had with you and Adam. I loved to listen to you play the piano.. you taught me how to french braid hair.

I too remember pushing you to do more. It was exausting, but you were the only person who would put up with me. I would like to forget the "witch dance" but Im afraid someone has proof on video.
Fun days were always had.
Thanks for the fun comments.


April said...

I alway remember you as a part of my life. Wanting to be cool like you and Brit when I was a kid, thinking you were so fun. You guys have always been so good to our family.

The Scott and Camille Neilson Family said...

Wow! Miracle Whip- I think I blocked that from my memory. And for good reason, that's just scary! I was such a dork!

Isaac and Lea said...

How about the funniest group of Bunco Players to EVER play the game?! Good times right!! How are you dear... darling little girl and cutest fam! So glad to see your doing well. Loves...