Saturday, November 29, 2008

Please, no autographs

This was the Daily Herald January 10, 1990. We were pretty awesome!

Recently me and four of my friends from my early teens went and enjoyed an afternoon together. This is just one of the fun memories we shared over lunch. From left to right Me, Helen (well her legs), and Brittney.Another memory shared is that of being dropped off at the mall on many occasions. We love to take pictures there, and buy a new flavor of wet lips. You remember the roll on gloss that was flavored. YUMMY! 1989!

This last memory comes with a sincere apology to my Mom. The girls remember me being very picky about a certain "greasy Bambi restaurant" and my mom took me to two other places till the princess found exactly what was pleasing to her palate. She should have let me starve!! It was such a great trip, thanks Mom for putting up with me. Also thanks Camille and Maryann for remembering me at my worst!! ha ha

There was a time, that not seeing them daily seemed impossible. Now 15 years has passed, things have changed for each of us dramatically. I feel very fortunate to be able to call these extraordinary women my friends!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving, try the pie.

Wow, where does the time go? It's almost Thanksgiving again. This year comes with some sadness. It is the first Thanksgiving without my Dad, and my Grandma Ollerton. I am so glad I got to spend last year with both of them at my parents house. My Dad always used to get excited this time of year for mincemeat pie. We used to be so grossed out by the thought of it. I used to think it was made out of deer meat, and raisins. YUCK!! Every year he would offer me some, and every year I would reply in the same sarcastic voice. "Oh could I please have some?" I never did try it.
I do have so many things to be thankful for. I am especially thankful for the gospel. I know that when this life ends, I will spend many special occasions with my Dad. Who knows maybe this year I will try some "mincemeat" pie.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Welcome to Nursery

Yesterday was Adelynn's first time in nursery. I was worried that she wouldn't want to leave me. Yea right, the second she caught site of the toys and kids she willingly went right to the stranger on the other side of the door. I was glad she didn't cry! I went to check on her one time, because in my mind she had to be crying by now. Nope still fine.
I even let my class out a few minutes early to go get her, she actually fell asleep. I was thinking wow she loved it! Then as I was picking her up the lady says "she might have a few bruises on her." WHAT!!??? She goes on to explain, "there was a little boy picking on her, his mom had to come get him." So of coarse I overreact and worry that she was hit in the head and that's why she fell asleep. I guess there are a few kids in there that are a little rough. So next Sunday she is puttin' on the gloves!!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

And they called it puppy love.

This is just one of 10! They are almost 6 weeks old. So anyone in need of a puppy please let me know. They are all like this one with white on paws or on their back. Super cute!! Addy goes crazy when she goes out and they walk all around her. Just another fun day on the farm!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Tagged 8 things

8 shows I like to watch.
1. Mythbusters
2. the news (boring hu?)
3. Rachael Ray
4. Deal or no Deal
5. Scrubs
6. The Office
7. John and Kate plus 8
8. Extreme Home makeover

8 things that happened yesterday.
1. Went to the home depot
2. I watched Matt fix my moms leaking faucet
3. I watched Matt build Zoey a dog house
4. Had lunch at Sonic (love their tots)
5. Went to best buy and bought Aerosmiths guitar hero
6. Watched Coby and Matt play guitar hero
7. Made Coby and Matt stop playing guitar hero
8. Sat in the hot tub.

8 favorite places to eat
1. April and Henry's 24th of July BBQ
2. The trolley
3. Lucky 5
4. Good Wood BBQ
5. Anything cooked up the canyon over a fire
6. Olive Garden
7. Chilies
8. Moms

8 things I'm looking forward to.
1. Disneyland in Dec.
2. Spring (having it be daytime longer)
3. Doing my Dads temple work
4. The movie Twilight to come out
5. Decorating for Christmas
6. Making Christmas candy
7. Eating Christmas candy
8. My boys getting tired of Guitar hero

8 things on my wish list
1. For my kids to understand the true meaning of Christmas
2. For gas to go below $2.00 a gallon
3. For time to slow down so we can enjoy one another
4. That Taylor loved school
5. That I could be as talented as my mom
6. That my kids would never get sick or hurt
7. That there was a bridge to our land, and we all had time to camp together
8. That I could heal broken hearts

8 people I tag
1. Brittney ( this is your 3rd tag DO IT)
2. Helen
3. Camille
4. Jerianne
5. Heather
6. Michelle
7. Sadly, I have no other blog friends that haven't been tagged already