So after being a dental assistant for close to 10 yrs. on and off, I finally WENT to the Dentist. I really don't like being in the chair, I like being by the chair!! After my exam and x-rays we only found five cavities. Not bad for 10 yrs!! However, one of the teeth became extremely angry after being drilled on. We tried putting a sedative filling in, that helped for a day or two. Then one beautiful Sunday morning I awoke to severe aching in my jaw and ear. So I called my Dentist (employer) and he met me down to his office. Luckily Dr. Stinky (aka JaNae) came with him.... Now lets pause and get a mental picture of the situation.....
There that's better, nothing a little laughing gas cant fix!! However, have you ever heard of someone having to go fetch their own willow for a spankin? Do you get a small one that stings and will possibly break, leaving you to pick another and start over? Or do you get a big one that will surely mend your bad behavior in one strike? I pondered this thought as I was loading my needle for my OWN shot. Its not something you look forward to. To make things worse, I knew exactly what they were doing, and how long the files were. I guess it is good in a way that now I experienced it for myself, and when telling people that "it's not that bad" I wont be lying. It wasn't that bad, I know every situation is different, and I have seen Matt go through an awful root canal, but luckily I didn't have the same experience. I think ultimately I would have been just fine not knowing what it was like!!!
Is That a Caterpillar on Your Face?
1 week ago
I do not look forward to finding out how many cavities I will have when I finally go to the dentist now that I have insurance again - YIKES! I'm glad your experience wasn't too bad.
Nice picture! Your rockin that mask! I feel your pain, Henry and I recently had 15 cavities filled between the two fo us. So ridiculous. I'm blaming mine on the kids sucking all the nutrients out of my teeth while pregnant. I don't know what Henry's problem is!
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