Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Please feel free to leave comments, suggestions, rude remarks, whatever.

I stole (borrowed) these directions from Brittneys Blog, it helped me a bunch when leaving comments. Thanks Brit!!!!
Below every post is the word "comments" in white text -- click on this.
Leave your comment in the comment box, and then complete the word jumble underneath it.
At this point you have a few options: You can sign up for a Google account (which is super easy), and sign your name that way. OR You can select "Name/URL", and just enter your name (a URL is unnecessary) OR You can select Anonymous, but please put your name at the end of your comment.
Finally, click on the box with the words "Publish Comment" and you're done!
Thanks, good luck, and I look forward to reading


Brittney said...

Don't worry, soon the comments will come pouring in! By the way, April has a blog now as well...I love my influence over others!:) Check hers out at www.april-henry-blanco.blogspot.com

Mr. Kelly Conroy said...

Robyn! This is Kelly Conroy. You know, from the Kelly and Matt show? It's great to see that you have given in to all the peer pressure and started a blog. Soon it will be mandatory for all humans to have one. Soon. Anyway, Jerianne does a great blog at www.theconroys.blogspot.com. Check it out for all of your Conroy needs. We need to get together before summer fades away. Rock on!


Robyn said...

Kelly!! I can hardly contain my excitement, I am so looking forward to reading Jerianne's blog. We have been camping since thursday. We definatly have to get together soon!!